Sunday, September 11, 2011

jazz, baseball and preppies- it's the american way

"Preppy isn't just a way of dressing, it's a culture and a language. It's all about a nuance." - Jeffrey Banks

I love preppy style.  Growing up in Massachusetts you come across some real preps.  When I was a kid, my mother used to dress me in either of two styles- preppy Ralph Lauren  OR  Norma Kamali.   As I grew into a teenager and into 60s music I definitely had my hippie moment.   I remember coming downstairs to go to school and my mom taking one look at me and trying to bribe me to wear some preppy clothes (she offered me $15 once to wear rolled up jeans, with an oxford button down and penny loafers- think i just wore that look 4 years ago!)
    Now when I'm on the Cape, I literally gape and eavesdrop on the WASPs  "...We'ahr takin the caar to the Vineyaaahd" says the 65 year old woman in the green and pink striped headband, twin set, above the knee skirt and single strand pearls- all from 40 years ago.    I look at preps like I'm staring at a religious cult.   Like it's my job.   In fact, I wish it was my job (just putting it out there if there is a preppy movie in the making!).   And don't get me started on how much time I spend reading The Daily Prep and Reggie Darling (and then the time I spend to call someone to read aloud some of the posts.)  Not to mention, the new editor at Town and Country has been putting out periodicals that I find more interesting than American Vogue.   Last but not least, there are a ton of clothes out there that are pegged as "preppy" that are trendy or shit or trendy shit.  Real preps have only a handful of well edited and tailored clothes that are so well made and classic, they are probably wearing something purchased decades ago.
     True preppy is something you are born into but since preppy fashion is as big now as it was in the 60s and 80s, it's great to have a new reference book since Take Ivy and the TPH (that's The Preppy Handbook for those of you not in the know).
   Out in October.

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